The numerous places around the country where you can dispose of newspapers aluminum cans and glass bottles are examples of?

a) federal programs to prevent erosion
b) international cooperation
c)states conserving energy
d) federal programs for conserving precious minerals
e) local interest group concerned with conserving our environment


I disagree. Did you read this question carefully?

Yes, e is correct.

thanks ms sue

The numerous places around the country where you can dispose of newspapers, aluminum cans, and glass bottles are examples of e) local interest groups concerned with conserving our environment.

To determine the answer, we can break down the options one by one:

a) Federal programs to prevent erosion: This option is incorrect because the disposal of newspapers, aluminum cans, and glass bottles is not directly related to erosion prevention. It is more focused on waste management and recycling.

b) International cooperation: This option is incorrect because the disposal and recycling of these items are not necessarily a result of international cooperation. It is more of a local initiative.

c) States conserving energy: This option is incorrect because the disposal of newspapers, aluminum cans, and glass bottles is primarily focused on waste management and recycling, rather than energy conservation.

d) Federal programs for conserving precious minerals: This option is incorrect because the focus of disposing newspapers, aluminum cans, and glass bottles is not specifically on conserving precious minerals. It is more about reducing waste and promoting recycling.

e) Local interest groups concerned with conserving our environment: This option is correct because local interest groups and organizations often establish recycling programs and provide places for people to properly dispose of items like newspapers, aluminum cans, and glass bottles. These groups are primarily focused on environmental conservation.

Therefore, the correct answer is e) local interest groups concerned with conserving our environment.