All the following are conservation practices, EXCEPT______?

a) reducing consumption

b) reducing production of goods using the resource
c) recycling
d) restoring the environment
e) reducing waste


To determine the correct answer, let's examine each option:

a) reducing consumption - This conservation practice involves using fewer resources or reducing usage to minimize waste. It aligns with conservation principles.

b) reducing production of goods using the resource - This conservation practice focuses on reducing the amount of goods produced that require the use of the resource, thus conserving it. It is also in line with conservation principles.

c) recycling - Recycling is a conservation practice that involves reprocessing waste materials into new products, reducing the need for new raw materials. It is also a well-known method for conserving resources.

d) restoring the environment - Restoring the environment usually refers to rehabilitating, reclaiming, or rebuilding natural habitats and ecosystems that have been damaged or degraded. While it is an important environmental effort, it may not directly fall under the category of conservation practices.

e) reducing waste - This conservation practice involves minimizing or eliminating the amount of waste generated. It is a crucial part of resource conservation.

Based on the explanations provided, it seems that option d) "restoring the environment" is the answer. Restoring the environment focuses more on environmental restoration rather than direct resource conservation.