How long would it take you to drive from Houston to Gatorville LA (235 miles0 if you drive the first 75 miles at 60 mph, the next 100 miles at 65 mph, and the last 60 miles at 70 mph? What is your average speed for the entire trip?

To determine how long it would take to drive from Houston to Gatorville, LA, and calculate the average speed for the entire trip, we need to calculate the time taken for each leg of the journey and then find the total time. Let's break it down step by step:

First, we calculate the time taken for the first 75 miles at 60 mph:
Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 75 miles / 60 mph
Time = 1.25 hours

Next, we calculate the time taken for the next 100 miles at 65 mph:
Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 100 miles / 65 mph
Time = 1.54 hours

Finally, we calculate the time taken for the last 60 miles at 70 mph:
Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 60 miles / 70 mph
Time = 0.86 hours

Now, we add up these individual times to find the total time for the entire trip:
Total Time = First leg time + Second leg time + Third leg time
Total Time = 1.25 hours + 1.54 hours + 0.86 hours
Total Time = 3.65 hours

To find the average speed for the entire trip, we divide the total distance by the total time:
Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time
Average Speed = 235 miles / 3.65 hours
Average Speed ≈ 64.38 mph

Therefore, it would take approximately 3.65 hours (or 3 hours and 39 minutes) to drive from Houston to Gatorville, LA, and the average speed for the entire trip would be approximately 64.38 mph.