make the subject (p)


2p + 3 = pq + r

Transpose terms by subtracting pq and 3 from both sides.

2p - pq = r - 3

p(2 - q) = r - 3

p = (r-3)/(2-q)

To solve the equation p + 3 = (pq + r)/2 for the subject p, we need to isolate p on one side of the equation. Here are the steps:

1. Start by multiplying both sides of the equation by 2 to cancel out the denominator:
2(p + 3) = pq + r

2. Distribute the 2 on the left side:
2p + 6 = pq + r

3. Rearrange the equation by moving the term with p to one side:
2p - pq = r - 6

4. Factor out p:
p(2 - q) = r - 6

5. Finally, divide both sides of the equation by (2 - q) to solve for p:
p = (r - 6)/(2 - q)

Therefore, the subject p is equal to (r - 6)/(2 - q).