The leader of your client organization has observed a lack of flexibility and a slow decision-making process in many of the departments. He believes that he is not serving his customers well, and has decided to move to a team environment and to push many of the decisions to the lowest possible levels. In other words, he wants to create a team-based, empowered organization. Several of his best managers are resisting the idea strongly. They not only feel that many employees are not ready for the change, but they also believe that they personally could never change from a "command and control" style to allowing more participation (Nahavandi, 2006, p. 54).

Your client has asked you to prepare a report in which you address the following questions:

1.How should the leader deal with the situation?

To address the situation of resistance from managers and the need to develop a team-based, empowered organization, the leader can take the following steps:

1. Communicate the vision: The leader needs to clearly communicate the rationale behind the shift towards a team-based, empowered organization. They should explain how this change will benefit both the organization and its customers. Articulating the need for flexibility, quicker decision-making, and better customer service can help managers understand the importance of this transformation.

2. Provide training and support: Many managers may feel apprehensive about transitioning from a "command and control" style to a more participatory approach. The leader should offer training programs and resources that equip managers with the necessary skills and knowledge to successfully adapt to the new environment. This can include training on team dynamics, conflict resolution, coaching and mentoring, and effective communication.

3. Foster a culture of empowerment: The leader should actively foster a culture that encourages and rewards employee empowerment and participation. This can be done by promoting shared decision-making, soliciting input from all levels of the organization, and recognizing and celebrating achievements that reflect the principles of a team-based environment. Managers need to see tangible examples of how empowerment can lead to positive outcomes.

4. Address individual concerns: It is important for the leader to have open and honest discussions with managers who are resistant to change. Understand their concerns, listen actively, and provide guidance and support specific to their needs. Address any fears or doubts they may have about their ability to adapt to a new leadership style. Help them see the benefits of shared responsibilities, increased collaboration, and improved employee engagement.

5. Lead by example: The leader should model the behaviors and mindset they want to see in their managers and employees. By actively embracing the principles of team-based decision-making and empowerment, they can serve as a role model for others. Demonstrating a commitment to the new approach and showcasing the positive outcomes can help win over hesitant managers.

It is vital for the leader to be patient and persistent during this transition. Change takes time, and it is normal for some resistance to arise. However, with clear communication, support, and a focus on creating a culture of empowerment, the leader can successfully navigate this transformation and help the organization thrive.