How would I correct the following comma splice.

Unfortunately, Anthony did not live to see the 1920 passage of the Nineteenth Amendment giving women the right to vote she died in 1906.

Unfortunately, Anthony did not live to see the 1920 passage of the Nineteenth Amendment giving women the right to vote; she died in 1906.


To correct the comma splice in the given sentence, you can use one of the following methods:

1. Replace the comma with a semicolon:
"Unfortunately, Anthony did not live to see the 1920 passage of the Nineteenth Amendment giving women the right to vote; she died in 1906."

2. Use a conjunction (such as "but" or "yet") after the comma to connect the two independent clauses:
"Unfortunately, Anthony did not live to see the 1920 passage of the Nineteenth Amendment giving women the right to vote, but she died in 1906."

3. Convert one of the independent clauses into a dependent clause:
"Unfortunately, although Anthony did not live to see the 1920 passage of the Nineteenth Amendment giving women the right to vote, she died in 1906."

Remember that a comma splice occurs when two independent clauses (sentences that can stand alone) are joined with just a comma. To correct it, you need to separate the clauses using proper punctuation or conjunctions.