A total of 1200 students attend top view high school. The ratio of teachers to students is 1:30. How many teachers are there at the school?

Let's use this proportion and cross multiply.

x/1200 = 1/30
30x = 1200
x = 1200/30
x = ?

divide 1200 by 30


To find the number of teachers at Top View High School, we need to determine the ratio between teachers and students. The given ratio is 1:30, meaning that for every 1 teacher, there are 30 students.

To calculate the number of teachers, divide the total number of students by the number of students per teacher in the ratio.

Step 1: Identify the given information:
- Total number of students: 1200
- Ratio of teachers to students: 1:30

Step 2: Calculate the number of teachers:
- Divide the total number of students by the number of students per teacher in the ratio:
1200 students / 30 students per teacher = 40 teachers

Therefore, there are 40 teachers at Top View High School.