Virginia wonders if a tree branch is rubbing the outside of the window. According to the scientific method , what should she do next?

a) draw a conclusion
b) gather evidence
c) form a hypothesis
d) experiment

gather evidence.

thanks bobpursley

According to the scientific method, Virginia should gather evidence next. Here's an explanation of each step in the scientific method to help understand why gathering evidence is the appropriate next step:

1. Observation: Virginia noticed that a tree branch might be rubbing the outside of the window. This is the initial observation that raises a question.

2. Forming a Question: The observation leads to a question - in this case, whether or not the tree branch is actually rubbing the window.

3. Forming a Hypothesis: Before gathering evidence, Virginia could form a hypothesis, which is an educated guess or prediction about what she thinks is happening. For example, she could hypothesize that the tree branch is causing the rubbing on the window.

4. Gathering Evidence: In order to support or refute the hypothesis, Virginia needs to gather evidence. This step involves collecting data, performing experiments, making measurements, or conducting research. In this case, she could start by closely examining the window and the nearby tree branch, documenting any signs of rubbing or damage.

5. Experiment: Once Virginia has gathered sufficient evidence, she can proceed to the experimental phase if necessary. Depending on the circumstances, conducting an experiment can help provide additional data to support or reject her hypothesis. For instance, she might try moving the tree branch away from the window and observing if the rubbing stops.

6. Drawing a Conclusion: After analyzing the evidence and possibly conducting an experiment, Virginia can draw a conclusion. This involves evaluating the evidence and determining whether her hypothesis was supported or refuted. If the evidence suggests that the tree branch is indeed rubbing the window, then she can draw the conclusion that her initial observation was correct.

In this case, since Virginia is at the stage where she just made an observation, she should move on to gathering evidence next.