On a particular day, the following appliances are used for the times indicated: coffee maker, 40 min, and microwave oven, 23 min. Using the power requirements given in the table below, find how much it costs to use the appliances at an electrical cost of 8¢ per kWh.

coffee maker-1650
microwave oven 1250

good grief. You have posted this question about four times. Please look for and read my previous answer. I did the coffee maker case and left you a few staps to do yourself.

i don't understand it

To calculate the cost of using each appliance, you need to consider the power consumption and the duration of use.

First, convert the power consumption of each appliance from watts to kilowatts by dividing the given values by 1000:

Coffee maker: 1650 watts / 1000 = 1.65 kW
Microwave oven: 1250 watts / 1000 = 1.25 kW

Next, calculate the energy usage of each appliance by multiplying the power consumption by the duration of use:

Coffee maker: 1.65 kW * 40 min = 66 kWh
Microwave oven: 1.25 kW * 23 min = 28.75 kWh

Now, multiply the energy usage of each appliance by the cost per kilowatt-hour to determine the cost of using each appliance:

Coffee maker: 66 kWh * $0.08/kWh = $5.28
Microwave oven: 28.75 kWh * $0.08/kWh = $2.30

Therefore, the cost to use the coffee maker is $5.28 and the cost to use the microwave oven is $2.30.