Which onf of the following statments about sense resceptors is trus?

A) Chemicals, light and pressure convert stimuli into electrical impluses.
B) Electrical impluses within the nerve pathways trigger an awareness of stimuli in the sensory receptors.
c) Sensory receptors are located in the body's "command center" (the brain)
D) Sensory receptors are the primary cause of the common condition called synesthesia.

I am confused between choices A and B

Transducer cells (e.g., rods, cones) convert stimuli into electrical impulses, so I would choose B.

To determine which statement is true between options A and B, let's break down each statement and understand the processes involved.

Statement A: "Chemicals, light, and pressure convert stimuli into electrical impulses."

This statement is true. In sensory perception, different types of stimuli, such as chemicals, light, and pressure, are converted into electrical impulses. For example, in the sense of taste, chemicals from the food we consume interact with taste buds on the tongue, converting them into electrical impulses that can be transmitted to the brain.

Statement B: "Electrical impulses within the nerve pathways trigger an awareness of stimuli in the sensory receptors."

This statement is also true. Once the stimuli are converted into electrical impulses, these impulses travel through nerve pathways to the brain. It is within the brain that the electrical impulses are processed and give rise to our awareness of sensory stimuli.

Therefore, both statements A and B are true. Statement A explains the initial conversion of stimuli into electrical impulses, while statement B describes how these electrical impulses trigger our awareness of the stimuli in the sensory receptors.