1. Stay on Cherry Street.

2. Keep going on Cherry Street.
3. Follow Cherry Street.
4. Take Cherry street.

(Are they all the same in meaning? Does #1 mean that a person should stop on the street or a person should drive his car on Cherry Street?)

All of those sentences have the same meaning.

1. means that the person should continue driving his car on Cherry Street.

1. "Stay on Cherry Street" typically means that a person should continue on Cherry Street without leaving it, whether they are walking or driving. It does not imply stopping on the street, but rather continuing along its path.

2. "Keep going on Cherry Street" has a similar meaning to "Stay on Cherry Street." It implies that a person should continue traveling along Cherry Street without deviating from its path.

3. "Follow Cherry Street" also means to stay on Cherry Street and not turn off onto any other street. This phrase emphasizes the idea of following the route that Cherry Street takes.

4. "Take Cherry Street" refers to choosing Cherry Street as the route to travel on, whether it's by foot or by vehicle. It suggests that you start your journey by entering Cherry Street and following its course.

In general, all these phrases convey the idea of staying on Cherry Street without getting off it or changing directions, though they may slightly differ in emphasis. The specific context and intention of the speaker can influence how these phrases are interpreted.