Do you think that Germany wanting an end to British blockade so that Germany would keep the Sussex Pledge reasonable.

I thought not

I agree with you.

Could you tell me your reason?

Mine was that even though there is going to be a warning, the enemy ship was going to be sunk.

I think that's a good reason.

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or thoughts. However, I can explain the reasoning behind Germany's desire for an end to the British blockade and how it relates to the Sussex Pledge.

During World War I, the British imposed a naval blockade on Germany, aiming to cut off its supply routes and weaken its war effort. This blockade had a significant impact on the German economy and civilian population. In response, Germany issued the Sussex Pledge in 1916, promising to limit submarine warfare and prevent attacks on passenger ships without warning.

From Germany's perspective, they wanted the British blockade to be lifted because it was causing considerable harm to their nation. They believed that if the British ended the blockade, it would ease the economic burden and improve conditions for their citizens. Germany saw the Sussex Pledge as a way to negotiate a peaceful resolution and end the blockade without further conflict.

However, it's important to consider the broader context of World War I. The war was characterized by clashes of political and national interests, and tensions ran high between the major powers involved. Many countries, including Britain, were skeptical of Germany's motives and questioned the sincerity of the Sussex Pledge. This skepticism was fuelled by German violations of previous agreements and the subsequent resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare in 1917.

Ultimately, whether Germany's desire for an end to the blockade and the Sussex Pledge was reasonable is subjective and depends on one's perspective. Different parties involved in the conflict had their own motivations, concerns, and interpretations of the events at the time. Historical analysis and research can shed further light on this complex issue.