Ok I have two questions I have NO CLUE how to complete on my homework. Please help ASAP!

(1) Solve the formula for the specified variable

r = vx for r (the question is) v = ?

a = 1/3f * p for f (the question is) f = ?

(2) Solve the forulma for v

S = D + vm (the question is) v = ?

1. r = VX.

Divide both sides by X:
V = r/X.

a = (f/3)p
Multiply both sides by 3:
3a = fp,
Divide both sides by p:
f = 3a/p.

2. S = D + vm
Subtract D from both sides:
vm = S - D,
Divide both sides by m:
v = (S - D) / m

Sure, I'd be happy to help you with your homework questions! Let's start with the first question:

(1) Solve the formula for the specified variable

To solve for a specific variable in a formula, you need to isolate that variable on one side of the equation. Let's start with the first formula:

r = vx

The question asks us to solve for v, so we want to isolate v on one side of the equation. In this case, v is being multiplied by x, so we can divide both sides of the equation by x to get rid of the multiplication:

r/x = vx/x

Simplifying the equation gives us:

r/x = v

So, the answer is v = r/x. This means that if you know the values of r and x, you can substitute them into this equation to find the value of v.

Now let's move to the second formula:

a = (1/3)f * p

The question asks us to solve for f, so we want to isolate f on one side of the equation. In this case, f is being multiplied by (1/3) and p, so we need to undo these operations.

First, let's multiply both sides of the equation by 3 to get rid of the fraction (1/3):

3a = (1/3)f * 3p

Simplifying the equation gives us:

3a = f * p

To isolate f, we can divide both sides of the equation by p:

(3a)/p = f

So, the answer is f = (3a)/p. This means that if you know the values of a and p, you can substitute them into this equation to find the value of f.

Now let's move on to the second question:

(2) Solve the formula for v

S = D + vm

The question asks us to solve for v, so we want to isolate v on one side of the equation. In this case, v is being multiplied by m, so we can divide both sides of the equation by m to get rid of the multiplication:

S/m = D + vm / m

Simplifying the equation gives us:

S/m = D + v

Next, we can subtract D from both sides of the equation to isolate v:

S/m - D = D + v - D

Simplifying the equation gives us:

S/m - D = v

So, the answer is v = S/m - D. This means that if you know the values of S, m, and D, you can substitute them into this equation to find the value of v.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.