1. Here is a checklist and some tips.

2. Here are a checklist and some tips.

(I think #2 is right? Don't you think so? However, I could see #1 in a textbook. Is it right?)

The checklist and tips are the subject. That is certainly plural. I am thinking "are" is correct, but most people would SAY "is" during normal conversations.

I would love to be proven wrong, so wait for other answers.

Matt is right: #2 is the correct one, but unfortunately you will hear careless people say #1.

I would say that #1 is correct, the singular 'is' refers to the singular checklist and the plural 'some' refers to the plural tips.

Laguna is wrong. Both "checklist" and "tips" are the subjects -- it's a compound subject. Because of the word "and" the subject is plural. The verb needs to be "are."

As a side note, I think the reason this is often a mistake has to do with how we think about what we are saying.

People think the subject is "here." With most of our sentences, we simply have the subject-verb-object model. That is incorrect in this case.

Both sentences are grammatically correct, but they differ slightly in terms of their intended meaning.

In sentence #1, "Here is a checklist and some tips," the speaker is presenting a checklist and some tips to the listener or reader. This implies that the speaker is sharing or providing the checklist and tips for the listener's benefit. It is commonly used in contexts where someone is giving guidance or offering advice.

On the other hand, sentence #2, "Here are a checklist and some tips," suggests that the speaker is simply stating the existence or presence of a checklist and some tips. This formulation is often used when describing or identifying items or things that are already known or expected to be present.

Both forms are acceptable, but the choice depends on the context and desired emphasis. If you want to emphasize the act of providing or presenting the checklist and tips, you could use sentence #1. However, if you want to focus on the fact that there is a checklist and tips available, sentence #2 would be more appropriate.