after m minutes you blink 10m+3 times. how many times you blink in 3 minutes


i think it shud be 33 times u blink in 3 minz

To find out how many times you blink in 3 minutes, we need to find the rate at which you blink per minute, and then multiply it by the duration of 3 minutes.

Let's analyze the given information: After m minutes, you blink 10m + 3 times. This means that the blinking rate is given by the expression (10m + 3) / m times per minute.

We can set up a proportion to find the blinking rate per minute:

(10m + 3) / m = x / 1

Here, x represents the unknown blinking rate per minute, which is what we want to find.

Cross-multiplying the proportion:

(10m + 3) = m * x

Now, we can solve this equation for x, the blinking rate per minute:

10m + 3 = m * x

Rearranging the equation:

x = (10m + 3) / m

Now that we have the blinking rate per minute, we can calculate the number of times you blink in 3 minutes by multiplying the blinking rate by the duration:

Number of times blinked in 3 minutes = x * 3

Substituting the value of x:

Number of times blinked in 3 minutes = ((10m + 3) / m) * 3

Simplifying further:

Number of times blinked in 3 minutes = (30m + 9) / m

Thus, to determine the exact number of times you blink in 3 minutes, we need the value of "m" (the number of minutes) in the expression (30m + 9) / m.