suppose a snail crawls 2/5 inch per second . at this rate what is the total number of inches the snail crawls in 2 minutes?


it is 48 inches

bruh, someone asked this 9 yrs ago, and now we answer. LOL


60 x 2 = 120

how many seconds are there in 2 minutes?

To find the total number of inches the snail crawls in 2 minutes, we'll need to convert the time from minutes to seconds. Since there are 60 seconds in 1 minute, 2 minutes will be equal to 2 × 60 = 120 seconds.

Given that the snail crawls at a rate of 2/5 inch per second, we can now calculate the total distance the snail crawls in 120 seconds.

Distance = Rate × Time

Substituting the values:
Distance = (2/5) inch/second × 120 seconds

To calculate this equation, we can simplify it step by step:

Distance = (2/5) × 120
Distance = (2 × 120)/5
Distance = 240/5
Distance = 48

Therefore, the snail crawls a total of 48 inches in 2 minutes.

So, the correct option is (a) 48.