1.Which group of plsnt like organisms (think sedentary) is most related to animals?

2. Which group of plants is most related to flowering plants (angiosperms)?

on #1 i meant to say plant like

This is not my area of expertise, however

1. Would the venus flytrap be an example?

2. Didn't you answer your own question?

1. The group of plant-like organisms that is most closely related to animals is the group of algae known as Choanoflagellates. To understand this, we can follow these steps to find the answer:

- Start by understanding the concept of relatedness or evolutionary relationships. Organisms that share a common ancestor are considered to be more closely related.
- Next, know that the Tree of Life is a visual representation of the evolutionary relationships among living organisms. It shows how different organisms are connected through common ancestors.
- Now, search for "tree of life" or "phylogenetic tree" to access a reliable source that provides a comprehensive depiction of the Tree of Life. This could be an online database, a scientific article, or a biology textbook.
- Look for the section or branch of the Tree of Life that represents algae. Algae is a broad group of photosynthetic organisms that includes various types, such as green algae, red algae, and brown algae.
- Within the tree of algae, find the group called Choanoflagellates. These are single-celled or colonial flagellate eukaryotes that share a common ancestor with animals. Choanoflagellates are known for their similarities to cells in sponge animals (Porifera).
- By locating Choanoflagellates within the larger tree of life, you can determine that they are the group of plant-like organisms most related to animals.

2. The group of plants that is most closely related to flowering plants (angiosperms) are the gymnosperms. Here's how you can find this answer:

- Begin by understanding the concept of plant classification and evolutionary relationships. Plants are classified into various groups based on their characteristics and evolutionary history.
- Search for "plant classification" or "phylogenetic tree of plants" to access a reliable source that illustrates the evolutionary relationships among different plant groups.
- Look for the section or branch of the tree that represents flowering plants or angiosperms. Angiosperms are characterized by producing flowers and enclosed seeds within a fruit.
- Within the tree, locate the group called gymnosperms. Gymnosperms are a group of plants that produce naked seeds (not enclosed within a fruit). They include plants like conifers (pine trees), cycads, ginkgo, and others.
- By identifying gymnosperms as the group closest to angiosperms within the larger tree of plant life, you can conclude that gymnosperms are most related to flowering plants or angiosperms.