how is vocal expression affected by culture? you can give me an example by comparing your native country with the u.s. culture or new york with another city.

A good example would be to look at the differences in expressions used in the New York area itself. What about the difference between Brooklyn and Manhattan.... how do the same words sound different. What are unusual expressions used; do they have a different ethnic source? OR, how does the Italian section of Mott St. differ from the Chinese section? What language is different?

waht is vocal expression?

Vocal expression includes a number of things.... idioms, accents, word usage, just to name a few.

Check your text book to find out what your teacher is looking for.

vocal expression -- what a person sounds like when he speaks, sings, etc.

Vocal expression is highly influenced by culture, as it reflects the social norms, values, and communication styles of a particular group or society. Let's compare vocal expression between my native country and the U.S., as well as between New York City and another city.

Firstly, different cultures have distinct patterns of speech, intonation, and emphasis. For example, in my native country, people might tend to speak more softly and use indirect language, emphasizing politeness and harmony. Conversations are often characterized by a slower pace and longer pauses between speakers, reflecting a greater emphasis on respect and social hierarchy.

In contrast, the U.S. culture, known for its diversity, generally displays more assertive and direct communication styles. Americans often speak louder, use a wider range of pitch and tone, and can engage in more vocal expression to convey emotion or emphasize certain points during conversations. The focus here is on individuality, expressing oneself, and promoting egalitarianism.

Now, let's compare vocal expression within the U.S. by looking at New York City and another city. In New York City, known for its fast-paced and dynamic atmosphere, vocal expression can be characterized by a higher volume, faster pace, and a more assertive and direct delivery. This reflects the spirit of the city, which values efficiency, assertiveness, and a no-nonsense approach to communication.

On the other hand, if we compare New York City with a city known for its more laid-back lifestyle, such as a coastal town, vocal expression might be more relaxed, slower-paced, and softer. These differences reflect the cultural values and social norms of each place, shaping the way people communicate and express themselves vocally.

In summary, vocal expression is greatly affected by culture, and understanding these cultural differences can help individuals better navigate and adapt to different communication styles, both within and across different countries or regions.