I Was Looking at The ProBlems of Paloma and i thing we have the same HW.

so can You HelP Me On This?


What's the rest of your problem?

i would help you but i'm not even on that problem yet...sorry


Well it says Evaluate The expresion N + (-5) for eacH VaLue Of N

n = 5.75

5.75 + (-5) = 0.75

ok so the answerr is o.75 gracias..thank you

Of course! I'll be happy to help you with your homework problem.

It appears that you have given me the value of "n" as 5.75. However, it would be helpful if you could let me know what exactly you need assistance with. Are you looking for the decimal representation of 5.75? Or do you need help with a specific calculation or equation involving this value? Providing more context will allow me to assist you more effectively.