What is the name given to the types of organisms that exclusively use aerobic cellular respiration to break down glucuse to produce ATP for energy? Provide three specific examples

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The name given to the types of organisms that exclusively use aerobic cellular respiration to break down glucose and produce ATP for energy is aerobes. To obtain three specific examples of aerobes, you can follow these steps:

1. Conduct an internet search: Use a search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo to look up examples of aerobic organisms or aerobes.

2. Visit reliable sources: Look for reputable scientific websites, research papers, or educational institutions' websites that provide information on aerobic organisms.

3. Identify specific examples: From the sources you find, look for examples of organisms that rely on aerobic cellular respiration. Common examples include:

a. Humans: As humans are mammals, they exclusively use aerobic respiration to meet their energy needs.

b. Birds: Avian species, including birds, rely on aerobic respiration due to their respiratory and circulatory systems that are adapted for high oxygen requirements during flight.

c. Most plants: While plants have the ability to carry out photosynthesis to produce glucose for energy, they also use aerobic respiration to break down glucose when light is limited or during specific metabolic processes.

Remember, the examples provided are only a few among many aerobes found across various kingdoms of life. It is always helpful to consult credible sources to gather more information and varied examples.