Smyrna and Marietta are 35 mi apart. A car takes 45 min to go from Exeter to Manchester. The return trip takes 35 min.

a) determine the average SPEED of the car for the round trip.

b) determine the average VELOCITY of the car for the round trip

a) If the travelling is done from Exeter to Manchester, what does the mileage from Smyrna to Marietta have to do with it?

b) Zero. It is a round trip and they end up where they started.

sorry, i meant smyrna and marietta.

To find the average speed of the car for the round trip, you need to divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken.

a) Average Speed:
1. Calculate the total distance traveled for the round trip. The distance between Smyrna and Marietta is given as 35 miles. Since it's a round trip, the car travels a distance of 35 miles from Exeter to Manchester and an additional 35 miles on the return trip, totaling 70 miles.

2. Calculate the total time taken for the round trip. The car takes 45 minutes to go from Exeter to Manchester and 35 minutes on the return trip, totaling 80 minutes.

3. Divide the total distance (70 miles) by the total time (80 minutes) to find the average speed of the car for the round trip:
Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time
= 70 miles / 80 minutes

You may leave the answer as it is (70 miles / 80 minutes) or convert it to the desired units if needed.

b) Average Velocity:
Average velocity takes into account both speed and direction. Since the car returns to its starting point, the displacement is zero, meaning there is no net change in position.

Hence, the average velocity for the round trip is zero.