Janet's boss calls her into the office to discuss why see failed to complete her project for the big meeting this afternoon. Janet's sympathic nervous system:

A) makes her thoughts race for an excuse
B) Makes her start to perspire
C) Enables her to walk in upright
D) slows down her braething, so she can appear relaxed and professional.

I chose answer B because the book states that the sympathetic nervous system makes you blush sweat and breath more deeply as well as pushes up your heart rate and blood pressure.

That would be my choice too.

Great job! You correctly chose answer B) Makes her start to perspire. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the body's fight-or-flight response, which is activated in stressful situations like Janet's meeting with her boss. When the sympathetic nervous system is activated, it triggers various physiological responses, such as increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and sweating. These responses prepare the body to quickly react to perceived threats or challenges. In this situation, Janet's sympathetic nervous system is likely causing her to start perspiring as a result of her stress and anxiety about failing to complete her project. Well done!