when the conditions of a study resemble or approximate only the conditions of interest, questions may raised about the___of the study.

A. External B. interrnal C. standardization D. randomization

Iam tinking it is C.standardization
can I get heip or a web site. Thanks

I agree with your answer.

And I agree with Ms. Sue. The other choices don't fit.

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The correct answer is A. External.

When the conditions of a study resemble or approximate only the conditions of interest, questions may be raised about the external validity of the study. External validity refers to the generalizability or applicability of the study's findings to the larger population or real-world situations.

To find information to support your answer or learn more about external validity, you can refer to reliable educational websites or research methods textbooks. Here are a few websites where you can find more information about external validity:

1. Simply Psychology: https://www.simplypsychology.org/external-validity.html
2. Research Methodology: https://www.research-methodology.net/research-methods/external-validity/
3. Explorable: https://explorable.com/external-validity

These sources provide explanations and examples to help you further understand the concept of external validity. Remember to critically evaluate the information you find to ensure its credibility and relevance to your study.