at midnight, the temperature was-12degrees F. by noon, the temperature had risen 25degrees F. durinh afternoon, it fell to 10degrees f ANOTHER 3 degrees f by midnight. what was the temperature at midnight?

-12 + 25 = 13

10 - 3 = 7


At noon, the temperature in Deliberate, Texas was 29℉. By midnight, the temperature had fallen to −11℉. What was the change in temperature over the 12-hour period?

To find out the temperature at midnight, we need to follow the given information step by step. Let's break it down:

1. At midnight, the temperature was -12 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. By noon, the temperature had risen 25 degrees Fahrenheit. So, if it was -12 degrees Fahrenheit at midnight, and it rose 25 degrees Fahrenheit, we can add 25 to -12. (-12 + 25 = 13)
Therefore, the temperature at noon was 13 degrees Fahrenheit.
3. During the afternoon, the temperature fell to 10 degrees Fahrenheit. This means there was a decrease of 3 degrees Fahrenheit from noon. So, to find the temperature at afternoon, we subtract 3 from 13. (13 - 3 = 10)
Therefore, the temperature during the afternoon was 10 degrees Fahrenheit.
4. Lastly, there was an additional decrease of 3 degrees Fahrenheit by midnight. So, to find the temperature at midnight, we subtract 3 from 10. (10 - 3 = 7)
Therefore, the temperature at midnight was 7 degrees Fahrenheit.

Therefore, the temperature at midnight was 7 degrees Fahrenheit.