Homework Help Forum: English

Posted by rfvv on Sunday, August 29, 2010 at 9:48pm.

1. The leaves fallen on the ground were wet and dirty.

2. The leaves which had been fallen on the ground were wet and dirty.

3. The leaves which was fallen on the ground were wet and dirty.

(Does #1 mean #2 or #3?)

English - Writeacher, Sunday, August 29, 2010 at 9:51pm
No, sorry.

Read for corrections:

1. The leaves on the ground were wet and dirty.

2. The leaves which had fallen on the ground were wet and dirty.

3. The leaves which fell on the ground were wet and dirty.
Thank you for your help.
The correced ones are as follows.

1. The leaves fallen on the ground were wet and dirty.

2. The leaves which had fallen on the ground were wet and dirty.

3. The leaves which fell on the ground were wet and dirty.

4. The leaves which were fallen on the ground were wet and dirty.

(Does #1 mean #2 or #3 or #4?)

Number 1 does not mean number 2 or number 3. Instead, number 1 means number 3. Number 1 in the corrected version "The leaves fallen on the ground were wet and dirty" is grammatically incorrect. The correct phrasing would be "The leaves that fell on the ground were wet and dirty," which is equivalent to statement 3 in the original question. Therefore, number 1 in the corrected version means number 3.