are these correct? compare. write <,>, or =

-4-(-6) > -7-3
|-51| >|0|
3-(-3) > 0-(-3)
-3-8 = -22 + 11
|10 + 5| < |-15|

All correct except for the last one.

So the sign should be...


check again!

To compare the expressions and determine if they are correct, let's simplify each expression step by step.

1. -4 - (-6) > -7 - 3

First, we simplify the expressions inside the parentheses:
-4 - (-6) becomes -4 + 6 = 2
-7 - 3 becomes -10

So the expression becomes:
2 > -10

Since 2 is indeed greater than -10, the answer is true: 2 > -10

2. |-51| > |0|

To compare absolute values, we remove the bars and compare the actual numbers:
|-51| becomes 51
|0| remains 0

So the expression becomes:
51 > 0

Since 51 is greater than 0, the answer is true: 51 > 0

3. 3 - (-3) > 0 - (-3)

First, we simplify the expressions inside the parentheses:
3 - (-3) becomes 3 + 3 = 6
0 - (-3) becomes 0 + 3 = 3

So the expression becomes:
6 > 3

Since 6 is indeed greater than 3, the answer is true: 6 > 3

4. -3 - 8 = -22 + 11

Both sides of the equation need to be simplified:
-3 - 8 becomes -11
-22 + 11 becomes -11 as well

So the equation becomes:
-11 = -11

Since both sides of the equation are equal, the answer is true: -11 = -11

5. |10 + 5| < |-15|

To compare absolute values, we remove the bars and compare the actual numbers:
|10 + 5| becomes |15| which is 15
|-15| remains 15

So the expression becomes:
15 < 15

Since 15 is not less than 15, the answer is false: 15 < 15

To summarize:
1. 2 > -10 (True)
2. 51 > 0 (True)
3. 6 > 3 (True)
4. -11 = -11 (True)
5. 15 < 15 (False)