What volume of 17% NaCl solution will provide 27 grams of NaCl?

Don't we need the density?

no that's the whole question

To calculate the volume of the 17% NaCl solution needed to provide 27 grams of NaCl, we need to use the equation:

Mass = Volume x Concentration

where Mass is the mass of the substance (in this case, 27 grams of NaCl), Volume is the volume of the solution, and Concentration is the percentage concentration of the solution.

First, convert the percentage concentration to a decimal by dividing it by 100: 17% = 0.17.

Now we can rearrange the equation to solve for Volume:

Volume = Mass / Concentration

Volume = 27 grams / 0.17

Volume = 158.82 mL

Therefore, you would need approximately 158.82 milliliters of the 17% NaCl solution to obtain 27 grams of NaCl.