I am having a hard time understanding what they want.

What are the instructions?

We'll be glad to help you understand them.

4. Assignment: Rating the News Sites

• Choose the biggest breaking story of the moment.
• Compare and contrast coverage. Compare and contrast information in the stories as well as how are they presented.
• Answer the following questions:

o What links are included?
o How does the commentary associated with the stories and source differ?

• Write three paragraphs comparing and contrasting the sites. Each paragraph must be at least 250-words.

In this assignment, you're to compare information about the same story as it's reported in two or more news stories.

You could either go to Google News and choose articles about the same story.

Or you could choose a story -- such as Obama's speech in New Orleans -- and then Google it in New York Times and Fox News.

If you are having a hard time understanding someone's request or what they want, there are a few steps you can take to clarify the situation:

1. Listen actively: Make sure you are fully focused on what the person is saying. Avoid any distractions and give them your full attention.

2. Ask for clarification: If you are unsure about their request, ask them to provide more information or explain it further. You can say something like, "I'm sorry, I'm having trouble understanding what you want. Could you please explain it to me in more detail?"

3. Paraphrase their request: Repeat what you understood from their initial request in your own words. By paraphrasing, you can confirm whether you understood their intention correctly. For example, you can say, "So, if I understood correctly, you are looking for assistance with... Is that right?"

4. Seek examples or specifics: If the request still seems unclear, ask for specific examples or more details to help you better grasp what they are asking for. This can help provide context and make it easier for you to understand their needs.

Remember, effective communication is a two-way process, so it's okay to seek clarification to ensure you fully understand what someone wants.