The coordinate of M is 2.5 and MN=4. What are the possible coordinates for N?

To find the possible coordinates for N, we need to consider the given information that the coordinate of M is 2.5 and MN = 4.

Since M has a coordinate of 2.5, this means M lies on the number line at that position.

Now, to find the possible coordinates for N, we need to consider the distance MN. From the given information, we know that MN = 4.

Since N is a point located on the number line, it can be located either to the left or right of M.

To find the possible coordinates for N, we need to consider the distances that are equal to 4 units from M in both directions.

If we move 4 units to the right of M, we get the coordinate 2.5 + 4 = 6.5. So, one possible coordinate for N is 6.5.

If we move 4 units to the left of M, we get the coordinate 2.5 - 4 = -1.5. So, another possible coordinate for N is -1.5.

Therefore, the possible coordinates for N are 6.5 and -1.5.

To find the possible coordinates for point N, we need to consider that MN has a length of 4 units and its starting point is M at the coordinate (2.5, Y).

Since the x-coordinate of point M is fixed at 2.5, we only need to determine the possible y-coordinates for point N.

If MN has a length of 4 units, the possible coordinates for N will be (2.5, Y), where Y can be any value that is 4 units away from the y-coordinate of M.

This means that the possible coordinates for N can be expressed as (2.5, Y), where Y can be either (M's y-coordinate - 4) or (M's y-coordinate + 4).

Therefore, the possible coordinates for N are (2.5, Y-4) and (2.5, Y+4), where Y represents the y-coordinate of point M.