A set of building blocks of various shapes and colors. If 30% of the blocks are cubes, and 40% of the cube blocks are red the then _______? what % of the blocks are red cubes.

0.3 * 0.4 = 0.12 = 12%

I see, I got it now, I think I was trying to over think it, it was realtivly easy they just threw in a bunch of etra words. Thanks MS. SUE

You're welcome, BC.

To find out what percentage of the blocks are red cubes, you'll need to calculate the product of the proportion of cube blocks and the proportion of red cube blocks.

1. Begin by determining the proportion of cube blocks:
- If 30% of the blocks are cubes, then the proportion of cube blocks is 30% in decimal form, which is 0.30.

2. Next, find the proportion of red cube blocks:
- If 40% of the cube blocks are red, then the proportion of red cube blocks is 40% in decimal form, which is 0.40.

3. To find what percentage of the blocks are red cubes, multiply the proportions you found in step 1 and step 2.
- Percentage of red cubes = Proportion of cube blocks * Proportion of red cube blocks
= 0.30 * 0.40
= 0.12

Therefore, 12% of the blocks are red cubes.