A)a plane flies at the height of 1800 feet directly over 150-foot-tall building. how far above the building is the plane?

B)the same plane then flies directly over a diver who is 80 feet below the surface of the water. how far is the plane above the diver?

C) subtract the divers altitude of -80feet from the plane's altitude of 1800feet

A. 1800 - 150 = ?

B. 1800 + 80 = ?

C. 1800 - (-80) = ?


A) To find how far above the building the plane is flying, we need to subtract the height of the building from the altitude of the plane. The altitude of the plane is 1800 feet, and the height of the building is 150 feet. Therefore, the plane is flying 1650 feet above the building (1800 - 150 = 1650).

B) Similarly, to determine how far the plane is above the diver, we need to subtract the altitude of the diver from the altitude of the plane. The altitude of the plane is still 1800 feet, and the altitude of the diver is 80 feet below the surface of the water. This means the diver's altitude is -80 feet. So, the plane is flying 1880 feet above the diver (1800 - (-80) = 1880).

C) To subtract the diver's altitude (-80 feet) from the plane's altitude (1800 feet), you simply subtract both values. The result is 1880 feet. So the plane's altitude is 1880 feet above the water surface when the diver is 80 feet below the surface.