could some one help me provide an example of an industry or company that has changed its strategy over time as environmental factors such as technology, competition, and consumer preferences have changed. Explain the changes in environment and in the industry’s or company’s evolving strategy.

You may want to look at the auto industry -- specifically GM and Ford. They have gone from producing gas-guzzling vehicles to producing more fuel efficient cars.

I'm sure you'll find a lot of information on them.

Something I've observed, but have not seen discussed is the much better rust-proofing. I used to buy a new car every few years because the old ones rusted out in our snowy, salted roads here in Michigan. I've been driving the same Mercury for 15 years -- and it has no rust on it. I have no plans to buy a new car.

Certainly! One example of an industry or company that has changed its strategy over time in response to environmental factors is the music industry and specifically, the transformation of record labels.

In the past, record labels primarily relied on physical formats such as vinyl, cassette tapes, and CDs to distribute music. However, with the advancement of technology and the rise of the internet, several environmental factors started to shape the industry. These factors include the proliferation of digital music, online piracy, and the increasing popularity of streaming platforms.

With the emergence of digital music files and the widespread availability of high-speed internet, consumers started to shift away from physical music formats. This change in consumer preference, along with the rise of illegal downloading through file-sharing platforms like Napster, significantly disrupted the traditional revenue models of record labels.

To adapt and take advantage of the new landscape, record labels recognized the need to change their strategies. They began to embrace digital distribution and started forming partnerships with online music platforms such as iTunes, Spotify, and later, Apple Music. This allowed them to tap into new revenue streams and meet the evolving demands of music consumers.

Furthermore, record labels also altered their business models by focusing more on live performances and merchandise sales. They realized that live concerts and branded merchandise could drive substantial profits and offer a more immersive experience for fans, which couldn't be replicated through digital platforms.

Additionally, competition in the music industry intensified with the entry of tech giants like Apple and Amazon, who launched their music streaming services. This pushed record labels to negotiate licensing agreements and adapt their strategies further to ensure their artists' music remained accessible across various platforms.

In summary, the environmental factors of technology advancement, increasing competition, and changing consumer preferences forced record labels to transition from physical music formats to digital distribution and embrace the opportunities presented by streaming platforms. They diversified their revenue streams by leveraging live performances and merchandise, and formed strategic partnerships with digital music platforms to remain relevant and profitable in the evolving music industry.