need help in identifying the y intercept for 2y+5=-2. my ordered pairs are (0,4) and (6,-2). I am visually impaired when it come to trying to see the tics. Thanks Bill

Sure, Bill! I'd be happy to assist you in identifying the y-intercept for the given equation.

To find the y-intercept, we need to determine the value of y when x is equal to zero. The equation you provided is 2y + 5 = -2. To solve for y, we can substitute x with 0 and solve for y.

Let's substitute x with 0 in the equation:
2y + 5 = -2

Now, we can solve for y:
2y = -2 - 5
2y = -7
y = -7/2
y = -3.5

Therefore, the y-intercept is -3.5 (or -7/2).

However, you mentioned that you have two sets of ordered pairs: (0,4) and (6,-2). To verify if our calculation is correct, we can cross-check the y-intercept using these points as well.

When x = 0, y = 4 (according to the first ordered pair). So, let's substitute x = 0 and y = 4 into the equation and see if it holds true:
2y + 5 = -2
2(4) + 5 = -2
8 + 5 = -2
13 = -2

Since 13 is not equal to -2, the first ordered pair (0,4) is not a solution to the given equation. Hence, it does not lie on the graph.

Now, let's check the second ordered pair (6,-2):
2y + 5 = -2
2(-2) + 5 = -2
-4 + 5 = -2
1 = -2

Since 1 is not equal to -2, the second ordered pair (6,-2) is also not a valid solution to the equation.

Therefore, we can conclude that the y-intercept is -3.5 (or -7/2), which means the line crosses the y-axis at the point (0, -3.5).

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.