What would a good essay title be if I'm writing an essay about a character in a book who is torn between two conflicting forces?

"Between a Rock and a Hard Spot"

That sounds like a good title! Thanks!


just help me on Sp180 Principles of public Speaking lesson 06 outline topic: what i see as the biggest challenges young adults face today.

To come up with a good essay title for a character torn between two conflicting forces in a book, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the character: Begin by analyzing the character's traits, values, and motivations. Consider how these elements contribute to their internal conflict and their struggle between the conflicting forces.

2. Identify the conflicting forces: Determine what these opposing forces are and the impact they have on the character. Is it a clash between duty and desire? Morality and temptation? Society and individuality? Make sure to grasp the central conflict at play.

3. Consider the character's journey: Reflect on how the character evolves and deals with the conflicting forces throughout the book. Do they ultimately choose a side, find a compromise, or remain in a state of struggle? This could help shape your essay's focus.

4. Reflect the theme: Think about the broader theme(s) that the character's conflict represents or explores. Is it the battle between good and evil, freedom and constraint, love and duty? Consider integrating a hint of this theme into your essay title.

With these steps in mind, here are a few potential essay title options:

1. "Inner Turmoil: Unveiling [Character's Name]'s Struggle Between [Conflicting Force 1] and [Conflicting Force 2]"
2. "The Tug-of-War Within: [Character's Name]'s Battle Between [Conflicting Force 1] and [Conflicting Force 2]"
3. "A Character Divided: Unraveling the Dichotomy Within [Character's Name] in [Book Title]"
4. "In the Crossfire: [Character's Name]'s Confrontation with [Conflicting Force 1] and [Conflicting Force 2]"
5. "The Ultimate Choice: [Character's Name]'s Odyssey Between [Conflicting Force 1] and [Conflicting Force 2] in [Book Title]"

Remember, these titles are just suggestions, and you can modify them to suit the specifics of your essay and the character's conflict.