A particular brand of gasoline has a density of 0.737 g/mL at 25 Celcius. How many grams of this gasoline would fill a 12.9 gal tank?

Convert 12.9 gallons to liters. There are 4 quarts to 1 gallon and 1.057 quarts to 1 L. Then substitute into mass = volume x density and solve for grams(mass). Note the correct spelling of celsius.

is this correct .737g/mL * 1mL/0.000264...gal*12.9gal=35,989,045.5 grams

The substituted numbers are right; the math is wrong. Punch those numbers into the calculator again, I get about 1000 times less; i.e., move the decimal point to the left three places.

Is this the answer?

.737g/mL*1mL/0.000264...gal*12.9 gal=36012.5

To find out how many grams of gasoline would fill a 12.9 gallon tank, you need to convert gallons to milliliters and then use the density provided.

1. Convert gallons to liters: 12.9 gal * 3.78541 L/gal = 48.7341 L
2. Convert liters to milliliters: 48.7341 L * 1000 mL/L = 48734.1 mL
3. Use the given density of the gasoline: 0.737 g/mL
4. Multiply the volume (48734.1 mL) by the density (0.737 g/mL) to find the mass: 48734.1 mL * 0.737 g/mL = 35899.487 g

Therefore, approximately 35,899 grams of this gasoline would fill a 12.9-gallon tank.