Rugged Indiviualism I couldn't find key policies for it except indiviualism.

The policy of rugged individualism denies government assistance to people and means that everyone can succeed on their own -- without government assistance.

I thought that was the importance of conveying a theme in history

Rugged individualism is a term that generally refers to the idea that individuals should be self-reliant and self-sufficient, without excessive dependence on others or the government. It originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the United States, and was often associated with American ideals of individual freedom and economic opportunity.

While rugged individualism does not have specific key policies associated with it, it is often associated with certain principles and values that guide its interpretation and implementation. Here are some key ideas often associated with rugged individualism:

1. Limited government intervention: Rugged individualism emphasizes limited government intervention in people's lives and economic affairs. It suggests that individuals should have the freedom to pursue their own interests and ambitions without excessive regulation or interference from the state.

2. Personal responsibility: Rugged individualism emphasizes personal responsibility, meaning that individuals are accountable for their own actions and well-being. It promotes the idea that individuals should rely on themselves and their own resolve to overcome challenges and achieve success.

3. Free market capitalism: Rugged individualism is often associated with an economic system based on free markets, where individuals are free to compete and pursue economic opportunities. It supports minimal government regulation of businesses and advocates for the benefits of competition and entrepreneurship.

4. Voluntary cooperation: While rugged individualism emphasizes self-reliance, it also recognizes the importance of voluntary cooperation and associations between individuals. It suggests that individuals can work together voluntarily to achieve common goals, without the need for excessive government involvement.

It is important to note that rugged individualism is a broad concept, and different interpretations and applications can exist. Therefore, it is possible to find variations in how individuals and political ideologies integrate and apply the principles of rugged individualism into their policies and beliefs.