can someone check and see if I did these problems right.

Are <,>, or =

33>32.9 is bigger
Are <,>




round to the indicated decimal place

26.1978 three decimal places


find the decimal equivalent of the mixed number.
11 1/4

Are <,>,=



Your first <>= Problems are right. :-)

26.1978 needs to be rounded to three decimal places.
7 is in the third decimal place. What should you round 7 to?

Yes. 11 1/4 = 11.25

Unless you're rounding to the second decimal place, 3.671 is greater than 3.67.

thank you

i don't know how to do a round indicated place

To check the first problem, you need to compare the given numbers 33 and 32.9. Since 33 is greater than 32.9, the correct answer is 33 > 32.9.

To check the second problem, you need to compare the fraction 14/25 with the decimal 0.6. Converting the fraction to a decimal, you get 0.56. As 0.56 is less than 0.6, the correct answer is 14/25 < 0.6.

For the third problem, you need to compare the fraction 3/16 with the decimal 0.188. Since 3/16 is less than 0.188, the correct answer is 3/16 < 0.188.

To round a number to the indicated decimal place, you need to look at the digit to the right of the desired decimal place. In the case of 26.1978, you want to round to three decimal places. The digit after the third decimal place is 7, which is greater than or equal to 5. When rounding, if the digit after the desired decimal place is 5 or greater, you increase the digit at the desired decimal place by 1. Therefore, 26.1978 rounded to three decimal places is 26.2.

To find the decimal equivalent of a mixed number, you can simply add the whole number part with the fraction converted to a decimal. In the case of 11 1/4, the fraction 1/4 is equal to 0.25. Adding 11 and 0.25 together gives you 11.25.

In the last question, you need to compare the numbers 3.671 and 3.67. The correct answer is 3.671 = 3.67, as they are equal.