Never since the war begins has there been such a week of dramatic and world Shaking events as in the past seven days. Since last sunday when japan attack Americas outposts Without warning the week has been grim. It draw’s to a close with the hole world at war, for their is no teritory anywhere which can hencefourth be describe as outside the conflict, if anybody had prophesised at last Saturday that within five days the US would have passed an virtually unanimous decalaration of war on Japan, his forecast will have been derided.

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Never since the war begins has there been such a week of dramatic and world Shaking events as in the past seven days. Since last Sunday when Japan attack America’s outposts without warning the week has been grim. It draw’s to a close with the hole world at war, for their is no territory anywhere which can henceforth be describe as outside the conflict, if anybody had prophesied at last Saturday that within five days the US would have passed an virtually unanimous declaration of war on Japan, his forecast will have been derided.

"ever since the war begins has there been such a week of dramatic and world Shaking events as in the past seven days. Since last sunday when japan attacked America's outposts without warning the week has been grim. It draw’s to a close with the hole world at war, for their is no territory anywhere which can henceforth be described as outside the conflict, if anybody had prophesied on last Saturday that within five days the US would have passed an virtually unanimous decalaration of war on Japan, his forecast will have been derided."

The passage you provided describes a week of significant and dramatic events following the surprise attack by Japan on American outposts. The week culminates with the entire world engaging in warfare, making no territory exempt from the conflict. The author remarks on the unexpected nature of the events, stating that if someone had predicted the United States would declare war on Japan within five days, their forecast would have been ridiculed.

If you have specific questions about the passage or would like further explanation, please let me know!