an internet serive provider charges $9.95/month for the first 20 hours and $0.50 for each additonal hour. write and expression presenting the charges for h hours of use in one month h is more than 20 hours. what is the charge for 35 hours... pls show me the formula to work this out



To calculate the charges for h hours of use in one month, where h is more than 20 hours, we can use the following formula:

Charges = $9.95 + ($0.50 * (h - 20))

For 35 hours of use, we can substitute h = 35 into the formula:

Charges = $9.95 + ($0.50 * (35 - 20))

Simplifying the equation inside the parentheses:

Charges = $9.95 + ($0.50 * 15)

Calculating the value inside the parentheses:

Charges = $9.95 + $7.50

Adding the two values to find the total charges:

Charges = $17.45

Therefore, the charge for 35 hours of use is $17.45.

To calculate the charges for more than 20 hours of use, we need to consider two scenarios:

1. If the usage is exactly 20 hours or less, the charge will be $9.95.
2. If the usage is more than 20 hours, we need to calculate the additional charges.

For each additional hour over 20, there is a charge of $0.50. Therefore, the additional charges can be calculated by multiplying the number of additional hours by $0.50.

Let's now calculate the charge for 35 hours of use:
1. First, calculate the number of additional hours: 35 hours - 20 hours = 15 additional hours.
2. Next, calculate the additional charges: 15 additional hours * $0.50/additional hour = $7.50.
3. Finally, add the additional charges to the base charge: $9.95 + $7.50 = $17.45.

Therefore, the charge for 35 hours of use is $17.45.

The problem says the hours will always be over 20. The charge for the first 20 hours is $9.95. All the hours after 20 are $0.50 each.

h = total monthly hours
cost = $9.95 + (h - 20)x $0.50
Plug in 35 for h and what do you get?