When two vectors vector A and vector B are drawn from a common point, the angle between them is phi.

If vector A and vector B have the same magnitude, for which value of phi will their vector sum have the same magnitude as vector A or vector B?

When the triangle of forces is an equilateral triangle, i.e. when φ=120°. So Acos(φ/2)+Bcos(φ/2)=A/2+B/2=A=B

To find the value of phi for which the vector sum of vector A and vector B has the same magnitude as vector A or vector B, we can analyze the situation using vector addition.

Let's assume that the common magnitude of vector A and vector B is denoted as "m" for simplicity.

The vector sum, denoted as vector C, can be found by adding vector A and vector B. Mathematically, we can represent this as:

vector C = vector A + vector B

Since vector A and vector B have the same magnitude, their sum will result in a parallelogram where the sides are of equal length.

The magnitude of vector C can be expressed as:

|vector C| = √(Cx^2 + Cy^2)

Where Cx and Cy are the x and y components of vector C, respectively.

To have the same magnitude as vector A or vector B, the expression above should be equal to "m".

So, we have:

√(Cx^2 + Cy^2) = m

To determine the value of phi, we need to consider the components of vector A and vector B.

Let's assume that the angle between the positive x-axis and vector A is θ1, and the angle between the positive x-axis and vector B is θ2.

Considering the magnitudes and angles, we can represent vector A and vector B in terms of their components as:

Vector A: Ax = m * cos(θ1) and Ay = m * sin(θ1)

Vector B: Bx = m * cos(θ2) and By = m * sin(θ2)

Now, let's substitute the x and y components of vector A and vector B into the expression for the magnitude of vector C:

|vector C| = √((Ax + Bx)^2 + (Ay + By)^2)
= √((m * cos(θ1) + m * cos(θ2))^2 + (m * sin(θ1) + m * sin(θ2))^2)
= √(m^2 * (cos^2(θ1) + 2 * cos(θ1) * cos(θ2) + cos^2(θ2)) + m^2 * (sin^2(θ1) + 2 * sin(θ1) * sin(θ2) + sin^2(θ2)))
= √(2 * m^2 * (1 + cos(θ1) * cos(θ2) + sin(θ1) * sin(θ2)))

Simplifying further:

|vector C| = √(2 * m^2 * (1 + cos(θ1 - θ2)))

To have the same magnitude as vector A or vector B, |vector C| must be equal to m:

√(2 * m^2 * (1 + cos(θ1 - θ2))) = m

Squaring both sides of the equation:

2 * m^2 * (1 + cos(θ1 - θ2)) = m^2
2 + 2 * cos(θ1 - θ2) = 1


cos(θ1 - θ2) = -1/2

Now, to find the value of phi, we need to solve for θ1 - θ2. We know that θ1 - θ2 is the angle between vector A and vector B.

Using the inverse cosine function, we can determine the possible values of θ1 - θ2:

θ1 - θ2 = ±120° + 360° * n (n is an integer)

Finally, phi can be calculated by subtracting θ1 - θ2 from 180°:

phi = 180° - (θ1 - θ2) = 180° - (±120° + 360° * n)

Therefore, for the value of phi where the vector sum of vector A and vector B has the same magnitude as vector A or vector B, phi can be either 60° + 360° * n or 300° + 360° * n, where n is an integer.