i have to write a paper in which i create an employee reward system for a human services organization, detailing the methods to determine what aspects of the work should be monitored and rewarded.

What ideas do you have? Please post them here and we'll comment on them.

well i am looking for ideas, i was hoping for some links.

You should have criteria set in the job descriptions to enable you to rate employees. Human service organizations employee people to do different jobs so each job would have its own description of the employee's duties.

Rewards can be moving up to the next pay scale, bonuses, and extra vacation time. Rewards can also be designated "employee of the month" or a mention in a organization publication.

To create an employee reward system for a human services organization, you'll need to determine the aspects of work that should be monitored and rewarded. Here's a step-by-step process to help you:

1. Understand the organization's goals and values: Start by familiarizing yourself with the mission, goals, and values of the human services organization. This will provide insights into what aspects of the work are considered critical and aligned with the organization's objectives.

2. Analyze job roles and responsibilities: Review different job roles within the organization and identify the key responsibilities and tasks associated with each role. Consider the impact and level of difficulty associated with these responsibilities.

3. Identify measurable performance indicators: Determine the performance indicators that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of employees' work. These indicators should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, you might consider indicators such as client satisfaction ratings, meeting deadlines, productivity metrics, or successful program outcomes.

4. Seek employee input: Involve employees in the process by conducting surveys, interviews, or focus groups to understand their perspectives on what aspects of their work should be monitored and rewarded. This will enhance their engagement and ownership of the reward system.

5. Consider organizational values and culture: Every organization has its own values and cultural aspects. Ensure that the reward system aligns with these values and promotes the desired culture. For instance, if teamwork is highly valued, consider recognizing and rewarding collaboration or knowledge sharing.

6. Develop a reward structure: Based on the analysis of job roles, performance indicators, employee input, and organizational values, create a reward structure that clearly outlines the criteria for rewards and recognition. Determine the types of rewards that will be offered, such as financial incentives, non-monetary rewards (e.g., public recognition, extra time off), or career advancement opportunities.

7. Establish evaluation and feedback mechanisms: Implement a system to monitor and evaluate employee performance regularly. This could involve periodic performance reviews, goal setting, or continuous feedback mechanisms. The evaluation process should be transparent and fair to ensure the reward system's credibility.

8. Continuously review and refine the reward system: Over time, regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the reward system and make necessary adjustments. Seek feedback from employees and stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and ensure the system remains relevant and aligned with the organization's evolving needs.

Remember, each organization is unique, so tailor your employee reward system to fit the specific needs and values of the human services organization you are writing your paper for. Good luck!