The area of Manhattan Island is 641, 000,000 square feet. According to legend, the Indians sold it to the Dutch for $24. Estimate the area that was purchased for one cent.


641,000,000 / 24 = about 27,000 sq. feet per dollar

Move the decimal point two places to the left to find the number of square feet per one cent.

To estimate the area that was purchased for one cent, we'll need to determine the cost per square foot and then calculate the corresponding area.

Let's first calculate the cost per square foot:
Cost per square foot = Cost of purchase / Area

Given that the cost of purchase was $24 and the area is 641,000,000 square feet, we can substitute those values into the formula:
Cost per square foot = $24 / 641,000,000 square feet

Now, let's calculate the cost per square foot:
Cost per square foot = $0.0000374

This means that each square foot was purchased for approximately 0.0000374 cents.

To estimate the area that was purchased for one cent, we divide 1 cent by the cost per square foot:
Area purchased for one cent = 1 cent / Cost per square foot

Now, let's perform the calculation:
Area purchased for one cent = 1 cent / 0.0000374 cents/square foot

Area purchased for one cent ≈ 26,737.9672 square feet

Therefore, the estimate of the area that was purchased for one cent is approximately 26,737.9672 square feet.