have to label the sides of a vertices

To label the sides of a polygon's vertices, you need to understand the concept of naming or labeling the sides of a polygon based on the vertices they connect. Here's how you can label the sides of a polygon:

1. Identify the vertices of the polygon: Look at the shape and determine the points where the sides of the polygon intersect. For example, if you have a triangle, it will have three vertices, labeled as A, B, and C.

2. Connect the vertices to form sides: Draw lines to connect the vertices, creating the sides of the polygon. In our example, you would draw lines between points A-B, B-C, and C-A to form the triangle.

3. Label the sides based on the vertices: To label the sides, you can use the names of the vertices they connect. For example, the side connecting points A and B can be labeled as AB, the side connecting points B and C can be labeled as BC, and the side connecting points C and A can be labeled as CA.

By following these steps, you can easily label the sides of any polygon based on its vertices. Just remember to connect the vertices appropriately and use the names of the vertices to label the sides.