Part 1

If 1/4 cup of Egg Beaters equals 1 egg, how much Egg Beaters do we need if we only want 1/3 egg? The solution should be expressed in cups.
Part 2:
Convert your answer in part 1 to tablespoons or teaspoons, whichever unit gives a whole number.
Let E=quantity of Egg Beaters we need.

1. 1/4 * 1/3 =1/12 cup = 2/3 0z. =0.6666 oz.

2. 0.6666 oz /0.1666 oz/tsp = 4 tsps.

Part 1: To determine the amount of Egg Beaters needed for 1/3 of an egg, we can set up a proportion using the given information:

1/4 cup of Egg Beaters = 1 egg

Let's assign the quantity of Egg Beaters needed as E. The proportion can be set up as:

1/4 cup of Egg Beaters / 1 egg = E cups of Egg Beaters / 1/3 egg

We can solve for E by cross-multiplying:

(1/4 cup of Egg Beaters)(1/3 egg) = (1 egg)(E cups of Egg Beaters)

1/12 cup of Egg Beaters = E cups of Egg Beaters

Therefore, we need 1/12 cup of Egg Beaters to equal 1/3 of an egg.

Part 2: To convert the answer from part 1 into either tablespoons or teaspoons, we need to know the conversion rates between cups and tablespoons/teaspoons.

- 1 cup = 16 tablespoons
- 1 cup = 48 teaspoons

Converting the answer from part 1, which is 1/12 cup of Egg Beaters, to tablespoons:

(1/12 cup)(16 tablespoons/cup) = 16/12 tablespoons
= 4/3 tablespoons

Therefore, we need approximately 4/3 tablespoons of Egg Beaters to equal 1/3 of an egg.

Converting the answer from part 1 to teaspoons:

(1/12 cup)(48 teaspoons/cup) = 48/12 teaspoons
= 4 teaspoons

Therefore, we need 4 teaspoons of Egg Beaters to equal 1/3 of an egg.