Hi Everyone,

I have to deliver a presentation on euthanasia, which requires a creative aspect that may involve the class as well. (My position is against euthanasia by the way).

I was thinking that I could have a game or bring something in that could act as an analogy for the "slippery slope" reasoning why euthanasia cannot be legalized.

As I said , this could be anything I just need some creative ideas! Any ideas you have based on my suggestion or euthanasia in general would be awesome!

I would avoid games with this subject.

Frankly, I personally would avoid the slippery slope argument: Life does not present itself in black and white situations. Slopes do exist.

Why don't you have the class write reasons on slips of paper PRO euthanasia, then you respond to the comments?

Well unfortunately the essay has been written so I can't change my arguments at this time.

Ill certainly consider using your Q&A idea though Bob. Anyone else have some creative ideas as well?

Certainly! If you're looking for a creative way to involve the class in your presentation on euthanasia, you could consider the following ideas:

1. Panel Discussion: Organize a panel discussion with students representing different viewpoints on euthanasia. This way, you can engage in a structured debate and allow for a lively discussion.

2. Ethical Dilemmas: Create a hypothetical scenario related to euthanasia and divide the class into groups. Each group can discuss the ethical aspects, potential consequences, and the decision they would make. This activity encourages critical thinking and empathy.

3. Personal Stories: Share personal stories or case studies that highlight the complexities surrounding euthanasia. This approach humanizes the topic and allows the class to understand the real-life implications.

4. Role-Playing: Divide the class into groups and assign each group a different role, such as a doctor, patient, family member, or legislator. Ask them to discuss and present their perspectives on euthanasia from their assigned position.

Regardless of the creative activity you choose, it's crucial to provide accurate information, encourage respectful dialogue, and ensure everyone has the opportunity to express their views. Remember to maintain a balanced approach and be open to counterarguments during your presentation.