1) Describe how the Cold War ideology that crystallized after WWII changed wartime alliances that had existed during the war.

2) Describe how American Cold War policies and practices influenced international relations from the late 1940s to the mid-1950s.

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To answer these questions, we need to understand the historical context of the Cold War and the key events and actors involved. Here's how you can approach finding the answers:

1) To understand how the Cold War ideology changed wartime alliances, you need to research the following aspects:
a) Identify the key factors that contributed to the rise of the Cold War ideology after WWII, such as ideological differences between the United States and the Soviet Union, the competition for global influence, and the mutual distrust between the two superpowers.
b) Learn about the wartime alliances that had existed during WWII, such as the Allies consisting of the United States, the Soviet Union, and other Western democracies, who were primarily united against the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan).
c) Analyze how the Cold War ideology altered these alliances. Look into the establishment of the Iron Curtain, the division of Europe into East and West, the formation of military alliances like NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), and the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact. Study how these alliances aligned with or undermined the previous wartime alliances.

2) To understand how American Cold War policies influenced international relations during the late 1940s to the mid-1950s, consider these steps:
a) Research the primary objectives of American foreign policy during this period. Look into containment, the Truman Doctrine, and the policy of stopping the spread of communism.
b) Examine specific events or policies that had an impact on international relations, such as the Marshall Plan to rebuild post-war Europe, the Berlin Blockade and Airlift, the Korean War, and the deployment of military forces in countries threatened by communist expansion.
c) Assess the consequences of these policies on international relations. Consider factors like the escalation of the arms race, the formation of regional alliances, the increased polarization of the world into the Eastern and Western blocs, and the impact on decolonization movements.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research on the topics mentioned, you should be able to gain a deep understanding of how the Cold War ideology affected both wartime alliances and American policies, and how these changes influenced international relations during the specified period.