julie is thinking of an even number between 12 and 29 with digits whose difference is 7? what is the number?

The even numbers between 12 and 29 are

14,16,18,20,22,24,26, and 28

Now which of those has a difference of 7 in its digits?


To find the number, let's break down the problem step by step:

Step 1: Identify the range
The problem states that the number is between 12 and 29, so we need to consider all the even numbers within this range.

Step 2: Find the even numbers
Between 12 and 29, there are three even numbers: 12, 14, and 16.

Step 3: Check the difference between the digits
The problem states that the difference between the digits is 7. Let's check if any of the identified even numbers meet this criteria.

In the case of 12, the difference between the digits (1 and 2) is 1, which is not 7.
In the case of 14, the difference between the digits (1 and 4) is 3, which is not 7.
In the case of 16, the difference between the digits (1 and 6) is 5, which is not 7.

Step 4: Conclusion
Based on the above analysis, we can see that none of the even numbers between 12 and 29 with a digit difference of 7 satisfy the given criteria. Therefore, there is no number that satisfies these conditions.