E-mail etiquette

do you just need to know some info about it.

heres a site that i find helpful


(take out the *'s

Great site!


Email etiquette refers to the set of customary rules and guidelines for writing and sending professional emails. Proper email etiquette is important for maintaining effective communication, professionalism, and respecting the time and privacy of the recipient. Here are some key aspects of email etiquette:

1. Use a clear and concise subject line: Make sure your subject line accurately reflects the content of the email and helps the recipient understand its importance or urgency.

2. Use a professional tone and language: Emails should be written in a professional manner, using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Avoid using excessive capitalization, slang, or emoticons, as they can be perceived as unprofessional.

3. Use a professional email address: When sending professional emails, it is recommended to use an email address that includes your name or your organization's name.

4. Begin with a polite greeting: Start your email with a polite salutation such as "Dear [Recipient's Name]" or "Hello [Recipient's Name]". If you are unsure about the appropriate level of formality, it's better to err on the side of being more formal.

5. Be clear and concise: Keep your email message concise and to the point. Use clear and simple language to convey your message effectively.

6. Use proper formatting: Use paragraphs and bullet points to break up large blocks of text, making it easier for the recipient to read and understand the email. Use a professional font and font size that is easy to read.

7. Proofread before sending: Always proofread your email for any spelling or grammatical errors before hitting the send button. Reading it aloud or using spell-check tools can be helpful.

8. Respect the recipient's time: Keep your emails brief and focused. If your email requires lengthy explanations, consider scheduling a meeting or phone call instead.

9. Reply promptly: Respond to emails in a timely manner, especially if the sender has requested a response or if it's urgent. Aim to reply within 24-48 hours, or sooner if possible.

10. Use proper email signatures: Include your contact information, job title, or any relevant information in your email signature. This makes it easier for the recipient to get in touch with you or find more information about you.

Remember, good email etiquette helps to build and maintain professional relationships. Applying these guidelines will ensure that your emails are well-received and understood by the recipients.