Solve for the indicated variable p

I don't know what you do to solve it.


To solve for P in

you would arrange all terms containing P on the left, and everything else to the right, namely:
Now factor using the distributive property:
Divide both sides by the coefficient of P:

To solve the equation A = P + Prt for the variable p, you need to isolate the variable p on one side of the equation. Here are the steps to solve for p:

1. Start by distributing Prt to get rid of the parentheses: A = P + Prt becomes A = P(1 + rt).
2. Next, subtract P(1 + rt) from both sides of the equation to isolate the variable p: A - P(1 + rt) = P.
3. Simplify the equation: A - P - Prt = P.
4. Now, combine like terms on the left side of the equation: A - P - Prt = P becomes A - P = P + Prt.
5. Move the terms involving p to one side of the equation: A - P = P + Prt becomes A - P - P = Prt.
6. Simplify the equation further: A - 2P = Prt.
7. Finally, divide both sides of the equation by rt to solve for p: (A - 2P) / rt = p.

Therefore, the solution for p in the equation A = P + Prt is p = (A - 2P) / rt.