Solve the equation for the indicated variable.

4x-3a-(10x+7a)=0 solve for x
This is all I know how to do & don't know if it's even right.

4x-3a-(10x+7a)=0 solve for x

you are almost there ....

-6x = 10a
x = 10a/-6
x = -5a/3

To solve the equation 4x-3a-(10x+7a)=0 for x, follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the equation by removing the parentheses:
4x-3a-10x-7a = 0

Step 2: Combine like terms by adding or subtracting coefficients of similar variables:
(4x - 10x) + (-3a - 7a) = 0
-6x - 10a = 0

Now, you have the simplified equation -6x - 10a = 0.

To solve for x, we aim to isolate the variable x.

Step 3: Get rid of the -10a term by adding 10a to both sides of the equation:
-6x - 10a + 10a = 0 + 10a
-6x = 10a

Step 4: Divide both sides of the equation by -6 to solve for x:
(-6x) / -6 = (10a) / -6
x = -10a / 6

Thus, the solution for x is x = -10a / 6.